AUTHOR: M.A. Ondigo
Born into a strict Christian household in Kenya, Yahya Ondigo was always a man of faith. He went on to join the military, and it was during this time that he was given his first exposure to the Muslim way of life. When his questions about Christian faith were left inadequately answered, and with the help of his elder brother who had recently converted to Islam, Ondigo’s search for the truth led him towards Islam. My Journey from Christianity to Islam is an autobiographical work, charting this faith journey with some reflections on both religions Ondigo made along the way. He discusses discrepancies in the Christian faith, in particular with regards to the position of Jesus Christ علیه السلام. He also touches on some of the uplifting discoveries he made about the Islamic faith and way of life. This story follows the increasing trend in modern times of people coming to Islam and also provides an insight for those interested in comparative religion.
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